ESG 评级 之 ISS 评级是什么及如何提升
ISS 评级:是什么、如何参与和如何提升
关于 ISS 机构
Founded in 1985, Institutional Shareholder Services group of companies (ISS) empowers investors and companies to build for long-term and sustainable growth by providing high-quality data, analytics and insight. ISS, which is majority owned by Deutsche Bourse Group, along with Genstar Capital and ISS management, is a leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions, market intelligence, fund services, and events and editorial content for institutional investors and corporations, globally. ISS’ 2,600 employees operate worldwide across 29 global locations in 15 countries. Its approximately 3,400 clients include many of the world’s leading institutional investors who rely on ISS’ objective and impartial offerings, as well as public companies focused on ESG and governance risk mitigation as a shareholder value enhancing measure. Clients rely on ISS’ expertise to help them make informed investment decisions.
2020年,ISS 被德意志证券交易所全资收购。
ISS(the Institutional Shareholder Services group of companies, 机构股东服务集团公司)成立于1985年,是全球领先的企业管治和负责任投资(RI)解决方案的提供商,同时也是SASB(可持续会计准则委员会)联盟组织成员,为资产所有者、资产经理、对冲基金和资产服务提供商提供解决方案,目前覆盖有大约2,000家机构客户。自成立以来,ISS通过提供高质量的数据和分析、专家指导和领先的解决方案,帮助股东管理其投资公司的治理风险和价值提升,最终帮助企业实现长期和可持续的增长。
ISS 是 SASB 联盟成员:
As a SASB Alliance Organizational Member, ISS ESG aims to educate asset owners and asset managers on the importance of ESG materiality and the inclusion of performance information for a successful ESG integration
ISS ESG 评级是什么
关于ISS ESG 评级
目前,ISS ESG评级体系涉及如下领域:
ESG企业评级(ESG Corporate Rating)
ESG国家评级(ESG Country Rating)
管治质量评分(Governance Qualityscore)
环境及社会信息披露质量评分(E&S Disclosure Qualityscore)
碳风险评级(Carbon Risk Rating)
定制化评级(Custom Rating)
ISS ESG 评级机制
在这里,主要介绍 ESG 企业评级。ISS ESG 企业评级方法论 。
• 发达和新兴市场的主要股票指数;
• 发达市场中的中小型股指数;和
• 重要的非上市债券发行人。
1. 指标评分

2. 分析师评价
3. 行业风险矩阵
行业在环境、社会和管治方面的风险和影响有所不同,其特定行业的重要性决定了行业在行业分类矩阵中的位置。行业的环境、社会和管治风险及影响程度决定了各行业的绩效要求以及行业在评级主题之间的权重分布。例如,石油和天然气等高风险和影响领域的公司必须提供比房地产等低风险领域的公司更好的表现证明,才能获得ISS ESG的优秀表现认证。
4. 权重与评分
为了保持全面客观,ISS ESG的分析师会根据企业披露或直接提供的材料,以及来自独立机构的信息对各企业做出评估;此外,ISS ESG分析师在评估过程中亦会寻求与被评估公司开展对话,以提供对初拟评级结果发表评论或补充说明的机会。

ISS ESG 评级与其他标准的关系
ISS ESG Corporate Rating supports strategies aligned to several regulations and guidelines(ISS ESG 评级与其他指南或规定保持一致):
- UN Global Compact
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- International Labor Organization
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- UN Principles for Responsible Investment
- EU Sustainable Finance Regulation
关于 ISS ESG 评级的更多说明
ISS ESG Corporate Rating Entity Count by Region and Entity Type 按实体和地区划分的 ISS ESG 评级统计

ISS ESG Corporate Rating Entity Count by Industry 按行业划分ISS ESG 评级统计

ISS ESG 评级数据应用
Asset Management – Peer Review and Portfolio Selection
- Compare a portfolio company's ESG performance to other companies in its industry, index, or another defined universe and use this insight to inform your stock-picking decisions.
ESG Risk
- Identify companies that may present financial or reputational risks and use this insight for investment analysis, engagement, or voting purposes.
Index and ETF Development
- Develop customized ESG products such as indices and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Regulatory Reporting
- Report on your portfolio's ESG performance to voluntary and regulatory ESG disclosure initiatives.
提升 ISS ESG 评级
参照 ISS ESG 的范例指标做好披露,事情可能就完成了大半:
领域 | 议题 |
Environment | Climate Change Strategy, Eco-Efficiency, Energy Management, Environmental Impact of Product Portfolio, Environmental Management, Water Risk and Impact |
Social | Equal Opportunities, Freedom of Association, Health and Safety, Human Rights, Product Responsibility, Social Impact of Product Portfolio, Supply Chain Management, Taxes |
Governance | Business Ethics, Compliance, Independence of the Board, Remuneration, Shareholder Democracy, Shareholder Structure |