mESG 战略:如何在公司制定和实施 ESG 战略? | ohESG | ESG 指南

ESG 战略:如何在公司制定和实施 ESG 战略?

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ESG 战略:如何制定和实施

要明白如何制定 ESG 战略,为公司 ESG 制定执行策略,确保 ESG 战略能有效地得到贯彻或执行,我们应该厘清哪些问题?这些问题可以是(包括但不限于):

  • ESG 是什么?

  • ESG 的要素、指标以及报告框架,分别是什么和有哪些?

  • ESG 战略的重要性:从利益相关方的角度来切入

  • 对于公司的事业, ESG 战略能带来哪些利益?

  • ESG 战略框架和运营、供应链

  • 着手制定 ESG 战略

  • 实施 ESG 战略

  • ESG 绩效的报告与传播

  • ESG 战略回顾与改进

一、ESG 是什么?

Building an ESG program can be overwhelming when you consider all the potential topics that make up “E,” “S,” and “G” and the reality that ESG covers all functional areas of a company.

关于 ESG 是什么,可以阅读这个页面:ESG 是什么。或参考 WikiPedia:

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals that go beyond the role of a corporation to maximize profits on behalf of the corporation's shareholders. Typically, the social goals advocated within an ESG perspective include working to achieve a certain set of environmental goals, as well as a set of goals having to do with supporting certain social movements, and a third set of goals having to do with whether the corporation is governed in a way that is consistent with the goals of the diversity, equity, and inclusion movement.

关于 ESG 发展史,可以参考这个页面:ESG 发展史

二、ESG 指标和披露框架

ESG 主要内容

要理解 ESG 指标的构成,并没有标准的答案可供参考。尽管各家的 ESG 标准参差不一,但 ESG 的方法论大体相同

  • 气候变化:包括温室气体减排的政策、措施,及各种绿色政策的成效、能源的回收利用、可再生能源的投资、水资源管理战略等等。
  • 健康与安全:员工的健康保障与安全保障等。
  • 供应链管理:确保供应链的上游能遵守可持续发展规则。
  • 企业文化、创新环境等
  • 董事会的多元性、商业伦理和财务透明等。


要知道投资者是怎么使用ESG的?UNPRI (联合国责任投资原则)提供了一个工具:

A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ESG INTEGRATION FOR EQUITY INVESTING open in new window股权投资ESG整合指南 PDFopen in new window),其六原则如下:

  1. 将ESG问题纳入投资分析和决策过程;

  2. 成为积极的所有者,将ESG问题纳入所有权政策和实践;

  3. 寻求被投资实体对ESG相关问题进行合理披露;

  4. 推动投资业广泛采纳并贯彻落实负责任投资原则;

  5. 齐心协力提高负责任投资原则的实施效果;

  6. 报告负责任投资原则的实施情况和进展。


ESG 披露框架

在自由市场中,信息的流动利于创造价值。因此 ESG 的披露是 ESG 战略的重要组成部分。因此参考最常用的 ESG 披露标准(框架)也同样重要。一些事实可供参考:

三、从利益相关方视角来审视 ESG 战略重要性


要从利益相关方视角切入,来衡量一下 ESG 战略的重要性,可从这些点出发:

  • 行业佼佼者:投资者会通过 ESG 绩效来从行业佼佼者中挑选投资标的;如果可能,政府会优先考虑支持这些佼佼者

  • 在 ESG 投资中,投资者会提出部分行业:controversial weapons, pornography, tobacco and alcohol, fossil fuel extraction and nuclear energy

  • 影响投资决策

  • 进入门槛:某些公司要成为供应商,可能需要满足一定的条件,如果 CDP 就每年会接受到甲方委托,邀请供应商填写其问卷。

  • 政策合规:当一些投资者想要投资建厂时,可能会需要披露 ESG;

总之,要衡量 ESG 战略的重要性,思路可以是:

  • 是否可以为投资者带来决策便利

  • 是否可以为监管方提供合规依据

  • 是否可以为公司带来价值提升


EUROSIF(Euro Sustainable Investment Fora):Responsible Investment Strategiesopen in new window

1.Best in class

An approach where leading or best-performing investments within a universe, category, or class are selected or weighted based on ESG criteria. This approach involves the selection or weighting of the best performing or most improved companies or assets as identified by ESG analysis, within a defined investment universe. This approach includes Best-in-Class, best-in-universe, and best-effort.

2.Engagement & voting

Engagement activities and active ownership through voting of shares and engagement with companies on ESG matters. This is a long-term process, seeking to influence behaviour or increase disclosure. Engagement and voting on corporate governance only is necessary, but not sufficient to be counted in this strategy.

3.ESG integration

The explicit inclusion by asset managers of ESG risks and opportunities into traditional financial analysis and investment decisions based on a systematic process and appropriate research sources. This type covers explicit consideration of ESG factors alongside financial factors in the mainstream analysis of investments. The integration process focuses on the potential impact of ESG issues on company financials (positive and negative), which in turn may affect the investment decision.

Environmental issues concern any aspect of a company’s activity that affects the environment in a positive or negative manner. Examples include greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource depletion, chemical pollution, waste management, water management, impact on biodiversity,etc.

Social issues vary from community-related aspects, such as the improvement of health and education, to workplace-related issues, including the adherence to human rights, non-discrimination and stakeholder engagement. Examples include labour standards (along the supply chain, child labour, forced labour), relations with local communities, talent management, controversial business practices (weapons, conflict zones), health standards, freedom of association, etc.

Governance issues concern the quality of a company’s management, culture, risk profile and other characteristics. It includes the board accountability and their dedication towards, and strategic management of, social and environmental performance. Furthermore, it emphasises principles, such as transparent reporting and the realisation of management tasks in a manner that is essentially free of abuse and corruption. Examples include corporate governance issues (executive remuneration, shareholder rights, board structure), bribery, corruption, stakeholder dialogue, lobbying activities, etc.


An approach that excludes specific investments or classes of investment from the investible universe such as companies, sectors, or countries. This approach systematically excludes companies, sectors, or countries from the permissible investment universe if involved in certain activities based on specific criteria. Common criteria include weapons, pornography, tobacco and animal testing. Exclusions can be applied at individual fund or mandate level, but increasingly also at asset manager or asset owner level, across the entire product range of assets. This approach is also referred to as ethical- or values based exclusions, as exclusion criteria are typically based on the choices made by asset managers or asset owners.

5.Impact investing

Impact Investments are investments made into companies, organisations and funds with the intention to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact investments can be made in both emerging and developed markets, and target a range of returns from below market-to-market rate, depending upon the circumstances*. Investments are often project-specific, and distinct from philanthropy, as the investor retains ownership of the asset and expects a positive financial return. Impact investment includes microfinance, community investing, social business/entrepreneurship funds and French fonds solidaires.

*Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), ‘What is Impact Investing?”,,2012open in new window

6.Norms based screening

Screening of investments according to their compliance with international standards and norms. This approach involves the screening of investments based on international norms or combinations of norms covering ESG factors. International norms on ESG are those defined by international bodies such as the United Nations (UN).

7.Sustainability themed

Investment in themes or assets linked to the development of sustainability. Thematic funds focus on specific or multiple issues related to ESG. Sustainability themed investments inherently contribute to addressing social and/or environmental challenges such as climate change, eco-efficiency and health. Funds are required to have an ESG analysis or screen of investments in order to be counted in this approach.

四、ESG 战略能带来什么


88%的案例研究表明,稳固的 ESG 实践利于运营业绩;90%的资本研究表明 ESG 标准能降低成本,88%的案例研究表明股价与可持续发展实践水平成正比。

From the stockholder to the stakeholderopen in new window


According to a survey held in 2019 by Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing, 95% of millennials were interested in sustainable investing.

摩根斯坦利的研究表明,95% 的千禧一代对可持续投资感兴趣。(sustainable_signals_individual_investor_white_paper_finalopen in new window


ESG 中有员工福利、创新等。这些指标的提升利于生产效能的提升。


ESG 的实践使公司能更好地应对风险。在ESG 实践中,有风险识别这一环。这个风险包括气候变化、政策监管等。


ESG 战略的应用,在风险和机遇识别方面,使得供应链更透明和可追溯。

参考工具:ESG 供应链风险管理

UNPRI 提供了一个管理供应链ESG风险的手册open in new window: Managing ESG risk in the supply chains of private companies and assetsopen in new window本站备份open in new window

五、ESG 战略框架与运营、供应链

ESG 战略框架与运营

成功的 ESG 战略可视为如何理解一家公司或组织是如何实现ESG 的三个支柱的可持续性的:Environment, Social and Governance

在ESG 战略框架中,大抵可以参考:

ESG 战略与供应链

Academic studies have revealed the importance of establishing supply chain ESG measures and how the disconnection between supply chain and ESG strategy can cause business disruptions

来自报告 Frontiers in Service Science: Integrating ESG Measures and Supply Chain Management: Research Opportunities in the Postpandemic Eraopen in new window

报告下载open in new window

六、着手制定 ESG 战略

参考网址open in new window (存档open in new window)



CPA的文章:The ESG Reporting Journey: Take the first steps ... before it's too lateopen in new window

1: 重要性评估


  • 重要性矩阵:哪些议题对您的业务和利益相关方最为重要

  • 与同行和竞争者的对标

  • 为年报和信息披露提供重要性议题指引

  • 为行动提供方向。

工具:如何进行重要性评估open in new window

2: 基线调查

Once you know which ESG topics to prioritize, it’s important to assess existing programs, policies, metrics, and engagements in your company. You can do this by working directly with cross-functional stakeholders within your organization that have expertise in each priority ESG topic. We recommend gathering information from reports, policies, and data systems first, supplemented by interviews with internal stakeholders to follow up on specifics and collect more detailed insights.

This assessment allows you to take stock of your company’s current state and gauge the relative maturity of ESG across the organization. Oftentimes, you may find silos of ESG activity in the organization that has not been included in larger strategies or communications. By getting a pulse on ESG at your organization, you can better gauge the level of ambition and fitness for ESG goals.

3: 为 ESG 战略设定目标

Now that you know your baseline ESG stats, you should start setting your sights on how you can focus efforts moving forward. We recommend topic-focused working sessions with key stakeholders to better define strategic objectives, beginning with:

  • Maintain: What are you already doing well that just needs to be maintained or communicated? This may be something like ‘complying with applicable product safety regulations’ – something that is considered ‘table stakes’ and material for the business to maintain, but not where you would prioritize resources in the short-term to provide the greatest ESG value. In this case, you may decide to maintain current efforts to ensure compliance.
  • Improve: What areas can you make incremental improvements to better align with peers, meet stakeholder expectations, or demonstrate commitment to ESG? For example, you may have inclusion and diversity programs internally, but little communication to external audiences about how and why these are important to the company. Your strategic objective may then be to externally report key inclusion and diversity metrics and begin setting goals.
  • Optimize: Where can you really sharpen your existing efforts to move toward industry leadership in ESG? Perhaps you have already calculated and communicated your operational carbon footprint and set site-level greenhouse gas emissions targets, so your strategic objective may be to complete a decarbonization plan and set a science-based target.

A natural next step to deciding on objectives is to set goals. Goals are a great way to measure the impact of your activities, improve company performance in key areas, position your company well among peers, and integrate ESG practices into the business. Public goals also help inform stakeholders and reinforce the seriousness of your ambitions.

There are certain things you should consider when setting goals, such as:

  • What context is needed for your proposed goals?
  • How can ESG performance be assessed?
  • How ambitious do you want to be with target dates?
  • What levers need to be pulled directly or indirectly?

ESG goals are not one-size-fits-all – they should be tailored to your specific business and impact. We often recommend setting a broad and aspirational goal with supporting targets or "sub-goals" that are more digestible and often meant to be completed in shorter time spans. It is also important to consider what your goal drivers are when deciding when and how to communicate goals externally.

At this stage, we recommend presenting your draft goals to your leadership team, Board of Directors, and sustainability councils. By engaging these stakeholders early on in the process, you gain consensus around your direction and support that may be needed to build resource teams or programs.


Steps 1, 2, and 3 are the first wave of health screenings to get you in shape for a successful ESG sprint, but you also want to make sure you are aware of all the potential issues that your company may encounter when trying to achieve your new goals. We recommend conducting a brief gap analysis between your current state and your objectives or goals to identify what may be missing so you can strategize and plan accordingly for the future. Depending on where you are on the fitness scale, gaps may be as minor as only needing to collect one more metric, or as large as needing to set up a sustainability council to make key decisions moving forward. Understanding your gaps between now and five years from now will help define the level of ambition before diving into minutia. Understanding the end results you can realistically achieve allows better strategic guidance across the organization.

5: 制定 ESG 战略路线图和框架

An ESG program won’t hold up unless it has a framework that clearly outlines where your organization’s vision and purpose meet your ESG priorities. The development of a roadmap ensures accountability for key actions, and a compelling ESG framework gives stakeholders a clear picture of your strengths and goals. This is a time to be reminded of the level of ambition you previously identified and to set in place a reasonable approach that you know you can commit to, often through a phased plan with measured steps along the way.

When building a framework, it’s important to consider how it applies across your organization (by operation type, function, region, etc.) and how you will monitor progress to achieve goals.

6: 设定行动计划和衡量指标

To effectively implement an ESG program, it requires the integration of ESG into business practices and processes. You need to outline programs to stay in shape all year long so you’re prepared when the ESG spotlight shines on your company. Building a strategy along these lines requires businesses to be able to surface relevant issues, measure ESG performance, and take action that's in line with ESG values. Here are a few best practices to implement:

  • Identify clear and measurable outcomes that define what success looks like for you.
  • Utilized centralized management systems or data software to more easily track and trend key metrics and performance.
  • Set a regular cadence of communication and updates for key stakeholders to continuously evaluate goals, update data, and compare best practices. By constantly monitoring your plans, you can stay apprised of adjustments that might be needed to stay on track toward your goals.

While it is important to have oversight of ESG at a corporate level, it’s more important to remember real progress happens on the ground. Your facilities teams will likely need detailed recommendations and guidance to achieve tangible results as you drive accountability from team members responsible for implementing actions.

七、ESG 绩效的报告与传播

ESG 报告

关于 ESG 报告(ESG 信息披露),可参考这个页面:ESG 披露指南:ESG 报告怎么写?


  1. 充分披露数据,并让投资者可轻易获得;

  2. 参考所属地的 ESG 规定;

  3. 熟知ESG 评级的方法学(逻辑)

    要被 ESG 投资者熟知,应遵循国际公认的 ESG 标准去披露,如 CDP、彭博等。

    来源:ESG Investing: Practices, Progress and Challengesopen in new window

  4. 认识 ESG 背后的价值。

ESG 绩效传播

Communicating a company’s ESG performance is a great way to build a rapport with customers, partners, sustainability experts, regulators and journalists, and helps improve employee retention and a company’s reputation. ESG reporting should become a fundamental part of the company’s story, should be authentic and transparent to build trust among all stakeholders, and find a unique ESG value proposition. A company’s ESG needs to be interwoven with business values and objectives along with making it a part of employee policies. Along with this, a company could participate in various net zero initiatives that can help in building good collaborations with other ESG related stakeholders. Communicating your ESG performance and what you mean by long-term value shouldn’t be a once-a-year exercise, but rather a year-round effort.

To extensively integrate sustainability into financial markets, businesses need to incorporate the ESG information into all communications with investors.  Companies can use a tool established by the United Nations Global Compact and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) to better measure and communicate the financial effect of their sustainability strategy and also, help investors integrate sustainability data into their existing investment processe. The value driver model helps in utilizing the business metrics of a company to illustrate the ways sustainable activities will contribute to overall performance.

Summing up, companies can differentiate themselves through communicating their ESG performance, demonstrating their value to society in the long run, and building confidence from stakeholders. At this stage there is no one-size-fits all formula for moving towards this positive change, however, a timely, accurate, and transparent presentation of material environmental, social, and governance issues is the most efficient way to start.


UNGLOBALIMPACT: Value Driver Model 价值驱动模型

八、ESG 战略回顾与改进

A company’s ESG strategy is not a one-time practice but rather companies need to review and improve their ESG performance in a timely manner for sustainable growth. ESG compliance checklist serves as an important document to evaluate whether the obligations have been completed by a company.

ESG review is essential in any company since it provides various insights into the ways ESG strategy has developed in the company’s structure and the products or services it provides. Adopting newer technologies such as data analysis and AI can process large sets of data from different sources across supply chains and further communicate the improvements that are needed in a company’s ESG strategy.

There are various frameworks and reports available on ESG monitoring and improving the strategy for a better impact. for example, the guidance issued by the UNPRI on ESG monitoring, reporting, and dialogue in private equity supports an exchange of information, based on dialogues, that keeps Limited Partners (LPs) informed about the ESG aspects of their private equity investments and their General Partners’ responsible investment practices.

refer : in new window 参考open in new window



  • ESG战略、愿景、目标方向:承接公司战略和业务发展策略,制定企业的ESG愿景、短中长期目标及顶层设计的转型方向,以满足企业自身业务增长及利益相关方诉求。

  • ESG转型支柱与优先级议题:在政府、供应商、大客户、消费者等外部利益相关方共同参与下,通过有效的内外部沟通和洞察分析,识别优先级高的重要战略议题,作为ESG转型的支柱和抓手。例如,“气候变化及温室气体排放”已成为社会广泛关注的焦点议题之一,各行业企业需全面深入评估其业务经营重点场景与气候变化之间的相互影响,制定应对气候变化的战略、目标和有效的ESG举措、行动方案,管控全价值链风险和损失。

  • ESG举措及发展路径:依据重要议题为企业沿全价值链制定高效且可执行的ESG举措,实现降本增效、价值创造、模式创新与风险管控等目标,此外,依据紧迫性和可行性制定优先级明确的未来1-3年ESG战略转型路径图及里程碑式节点规划。

  • ESG治理与KPI体系:为保障ESG战略及转型举措的落地执行,企业需制定适配完善的ESG治理架构,明确治理架构和组织架构的层级岗位、权责界面、管理章程,各业务部门、职能部门、外部专家机构等协同工作和参与机制。制定科学系统的ESG KPI体系,并与董事会、高管层、ESG治理架构各层级和相关部门岗位的绩效评级挂钩,通过ESG数据基础的构建和数字化系统的赋能,实时追踪、评估与推进ESG战略转型落地。目前,国内大部分企业在ESG治理架构和ESG KPI体系的建立、管理和披露方面尚存较大提升空间,如董事会参与ESG管理、治理策略及流程、组织构成及职能、股东权益、合规经营等ESG治理表现,以及如范围1,2,3的碳排放量、废水/废气/固废排放量、可持续供应商占比、可持续产品/包装认证比例、环保总投入等ESG KPI数据披露。

  • ESG规划对内对外宣传:企业对外应与政府、供应商、大客户、消费者等重要相关方积极沟通ESG战略转型的规划目标、量化成效、典范案例等,展现企业责任担当、实现行业引领、影响力提升,挖掘吸引新客群、激发业务新增长。同时对内构建从上至下、从管理层到执行层的体系化沟通和培训机制,强化ESG意识与文化根基,戮力同心顺利完成ESG转型和脱变。



中能传媒研究院发布,下载open in new window


腾讯与深圳大学合作发布 深圳市可持续发展评估报告(2016-2021年)open in new window