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  • 中国发布《绿色债券支持项目目录(2021版)》(简称《绿债目录2021》),是《绿色债券支持项目目录(2015版)》(简称《绿债目录2015》)的首次更新,其在绿色项目识别和项目筛选原则上进一步与国际接轨,同时与国内现行其他的绿色经济活动界定标准更为兼容,是中国构建绿色金融体系的重要进展。
  • 欧盟发布的《欧盟可持续金融分类气候授权法案》(EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Acts,简称《授权法案》)是其欧洲绿色新政(European Green Deal)和2020年发布的《欧盟可持续金融分类方案》下为实现欧洲2050年碳中和目标的重要举措。《授权法案》主要针对减缓气候变化和适应气候变化两大目标。






China Green Bond Principles

7月29日,《中国绿色债券原则open in new window》(官方下载链接open in new window)发布。《中国绿色债券原则》由绿色债券标准委员会组织全体成员单位参与制定,经由绿色债券标准委员会第五次委员会会议审议通过,并向中国人民银行和中国证券监督管理委员会备案。《中国绿色债券原则》充分尊重国际通行标准,参考国际资本市场协会(International Capital Market Association, ICMA)发布的《绿色债券原则》(Green Bond Principals, GBP)等相关规定。




  • 首次统一了绿债相关管理部门对绿色项目的界定标准,覆盖的项目与七部委的《绿色产业指导目录(2019版)》、人民银行绿色贷款以及银保监会绿色融资统计等相关制度基本对接,将有效降低发行、管理和交易成本,促进各部门协同,提升市场效率。

  • 剔除了在国际上较受争议的化石能源相关项目,并采纳国际通用的筛选原则,将增强国际上对中国绿债的认可度,促进跨境绿债交易。


指导原则采纳适应国际主流和欧盟分类标准的“无重大损害”(Do No Significant Harm)作为原则,即对实现绿色发展无重大损害节能、污染防治、资源节约与循环利用、清洁交通、清洁能源、生态保护和适应气候变化六大目标


《欧盟绿色债券条例》(Regulation (EU) 2023/2631)(含欧盟《绿色债券标准)open in new window,由欧洲议会和理事会于2023年11月22日通过。该条例旨在规范在欧盟内发行的绿色债券,并为市场参与者提供明确标准,以确保债券的发行与环境可持续目标一致。


官方英文链接open in new window

  • 强调了欧盟向气候中和、可持续、能源和资源高效、循环和公平经济转型的重要性,这与《巴黎协定》的目标一致。为了促进投资机会并帮助识别环境可持续投资,欧盟计划建立一个绿色债券的标准。

  • 条例提出了一系列要求,包括对发行者使用“欧洲绿色债券”或“EuGB”标识的条件、外部审查者对绿色债券的审查程序,以及透明度和外部审查的要求。它还规定了债券收益的使用,要求这些收益必须用于符合欧盟分类标准的环境可持续经济活动。

  • 涉及了可持续性相关债券的披露模板,包括对环境可持续债券和与可持续性相关的债券的披露要求。它还详细说明了外部审查者的角色,包括他们的注册、责任和审查方法。

  • 条例还特别关注了来自第三国的外部审查者,规定了他们在提供服务时必须遵守的条件。最后,文件规定了监管机构的监督和调查权力,以及对不遵守规定的发行者可能采取的措施。







中国《绿债目录2021》不仅在整体原则“无重大损害”上与欧盟对标,其一级分类设定也符合国际主流绿色资产分类标准,人民银行等单位在印发《绿债目录2021》的通知上说明,《目录》将根据国内发展需求和国际合作进展等具体情况适时修订3,这与欧盟《授权目录》的“动态文件”(living document)性质相匹配4。两个主体均在协同开发共同的绿色金融标准上表示了强烈意愿,并已在国际可持续金融平台(IPSF)的框架下积极探索,以推动全球对气候金融、可持续金融的投资。


What's Green Bond


绿色债券(英语:Green bond),又名气候债券(英语:Climate bond),是种相对新颖的定息金融产品,指的是为各种为舒缓气候变化问题的项目集资的债务证券。绿色证券的发行量和存量增速迅猛,存量在2016年达到了1,600亿美元,而单计算2016年便有700亿美元的新发行绿色债券。

The Definition

Definition from investopediaopen in new window

A green bond is a type of fixed-income instrument that is specifically earmarked to raise money for climate and environmental projects. These bonds are typically asset-linked and backed by the issuing entity's balance sheet, so they usually carry the same credit rating as their issuers’ other debt obligations.

Dating back to the first decade of the 21st century, green bonds are also referred to as climate bonds.


  • A green bond is a fixed-income instrument designed specifically to support specific climate-related or environmental projects.
  • Green bonds typically come with tax incentives to enhance their attractiveness to investors.
  • The World Bank issued the first official green bond in 2009.
  • Around $157 billion worth of green bonds were issued in 2019.


2009: the World Bank issued the first so-labeled green bond for institutional investors.

2010:the development of green bond funds, broadening the ability of retail investors to participate in these initiatives. Allianz SE, Axa SA, State Street Corporation, TIAA-CREF, Blackrock, ax World Funds, and HSBC are among the investment companies and asset management firms that have sponsored green bond mutual funds or ETFs.

2012, green bond issuance amounted only to 2.6 billion USD. But in 2016, green bonds began to sprout. Much of the action was attributable to Chinese borrowers, who accounted for $32.9 billion of the total, or more than a third of all issuances. But the interest is global, with the European Union and the United States among the leaders too.

2017, green bond issuance soared to a record high, accounting for $161 billion worth of investment worldwide, according to the latest report from the rating agency Moody'sopen in new window. Growth slowed a bit in 2018, hitting only ​$167 billion, but rebounded the following year.

2019: when finally tabulated, Moody's estimates that global issuances could top $250 billion. The Climate Bonds Initiative, an international, investor-focused not-for-profit organization, puts the figure at $257.5 billion.


2021年6月, International Capital Market Association 发布了绿色债券原则(Green Bond Principles,下称《原则》)2021版open in new window(下载open in new window)。与过往不同的是,这一版将社会债券、可持续发展债券指南、可持续发展挂钩债券原则与之相提并论。

The Green Bond Principles (GBP), together with the Social Bond Principles (SBP),the Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG) and the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (SLBP) are published under the governance of the Principles. The Principles are a collection of voluntary frameworks with the stated mission and vision of promoting the role that global debt capital markets can play in financing progress towards environmental and social sustainability.


Notably, the 2021 edition of the GBP identifies key recommendations regarding Green Bond Frameworks and External Reviews alongside the four core components of the GBP. It recommends heightened transparency for issuer-level sustainability strategies and commitments, and encourages information, if relevant, on the degree of alignment of projects with official or market-based taxonomies.


  1. Use of Proceeds (债券资金用途)
  2. Process for Project Evaluation and Selection (项目评估与遴选流程)
  3. Management of Proceeds (募集资金管理)
  4. Reporting(报告)


  • Green Bond Frameworks (绿色债券框架)
  • External Reviews (外部审验)

Green Bond Frameworks


  • climate change mitigation (减缓气候变化所作的努力)
  • climate change adaptation (应对气候变化)
  • natural resource conservation (环境资源保护)
  • biodiversity conservation (生物多样性保护)
  • pollution prevention and control (污染预防和控制)

鼓励发行人根据 Climate Transition Finance Handbookopen in new window (英文版open in new window 、被译为:气候转型融资手册open in new window) 进行披露。

External Reviews




  1. 气候转型融资工作组在绿色和社会责任债券原则执行委员会的支持下所开展的工作。该工作组包括来自资本市场的80多家机构代表。
  2. 有关行业小组、监管机构和科研机构针对减缓和适应气候变化所进行的分析以及现有的气候变化披露框架。本手册中的建议参考使用了上述框架,并阐明了这些框架应用于有特定募集资金用途的债券或可持续发展挂钩债券的意义。


  1. 发行人气候转型战略和公司治理;
  2. 业务模式中考虑环境要素的重要性;
  3. 气候转型战略应参考具有科学依据的目标和路径;
  4. 执行情况有关信息的透明度。



  • 与《巴黎协定》的目标保持一致的长期目标(例如,将全球变暖最好控制在1.5°C以内,并且至少控制在 2°C以内的目标);
  • 实现长期目标过程中的相关中期目标;
  • 披露发行人减碳的手段以及与《巴黎协定》目标相一致的长期目标战略规划;
  • 对于转型战略设有明确的监督体系及公司治理;及
  • 证明其具有有广度的可持续发展战略,指导发行人减轻相关影响环境与社会的外部效应,并为联合国可持续发展目标做出贡献。






  • 符合《巴黎协定》的短期、中期和长期温室气体减排目标;
  • 计算减排使用的基准线;
  • 使用的情景与采用的方法论(例如评估低碳转型倡议ACT,科学碳目标倡议SBTi等);
  • 温室气体核算体系下所有范围口径(范围1、2和3)的温室气体目标;
  • 用强度和绝对数值表述的目标。


  • 与要素1中概述的各种减碳手段相对应的资产/收入/支出/撤资的比例;
  • 与总体战略和气候科学相符的资本支出部署计划。


绿色债券《原则》中的影响力报告统一框架:Harmonised Framework for Impact Reportingopen in new window (2021版open in new window)



能源 Energy

  • Renewable Energy

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management

废弃物 Waste

  • Waste Management and Resource Efficiency
  • Clean Transportation

环境 Environment

  • Green Buildings

  • Biodiversity

  • Climate Change Adaptation

  • Circular Economy and/or Eco-Efficient Projects


Renewable Energy 可持续能源

  • 温室气体减排

  • 所使用的可持续能源统计

  1. Annual GHG emissions reduced/avoided in tonnes of CO2equivalent/a

  2. Annual renewable energy generation in MWh/GWh (electricity) and GJ/TJ (other energy)#3) Capacity of renewable energy plant(s) constructed or rehabilitated in MW

Other Indicators (Examples)

  • Capacity of renewable energy plant(s) to be served by transmission systems (MW)
  • Annual Absolute (gross) GHG emissions from the project in tonnes of CO2equivalent/a/b

a. Where CO2emissions figures are reported, the GHG accounting methodology and assumptions should be referenced.

b. Depending on their own GHG reporting requirements, some institutions may report Absolute (gross) GHG emissions from the project, alongside the reduced/avoided emissions (under indicator #1). Together with baseline emissions, Absolute (gross)emissions allow for the calculation of emissions reduced/avoided.

Energy Efficiency 能源效率

  • 节能统计

  • 减排统计

  1. Annual energy savings in MWh/GWh (electricity) and GJ/TJ (other energy savings)/a

  2. Annual GHG emissions reduced/avoided in tonnes of CO2 equivalent/b

Other Indicators (Examples)

  • Number of people who benefitted
  • Annual Absolute (gross) GHG emissions from the project in tonnes of CO2equivalent/b/c

a. Energy savings depend on benchmarks

b. Where CO2emissions figures are reported, the GHG accounting methodology and assumptions should be referenced.

c. Depending on their own GHG reporting requirements, some institutions may report Absolute (gross) GHG emissions from the project, alongside the reduced/avoided emissions (under indicator #2). Together with baseline emissions, Absolute (gross)emissions allow for the calculation of emissions reduced/avoided.

Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management 可持续水资源和废水管理

  • 可持续水资源管理,及节水项目(提高水耗)
  • 废水管理
    • 减排
    • 回收利用

Waste Management and Resource Efficiency 废弃物管理和效率

  • 废弃物减排项目及效率统计
  • 废弃回收利用
  • 废弃物处置

Clean Transportation 清洁交通

  • 公共交通(地铁,铁路,轻轨,单轨,电车,公交网络)项目的建筑,设备采购和技术升级;

  • 改善运输系统能源效率的项目;

  • 非机动运输项目,例如自行车和公共步行基础设施和计划;

  • 零排放和低排放的运输项目,例如电动汽车,混合动力汽车和氢燃料电池汽车;

  • 城市汽车和电动公共交通项目,例如电动汽车充电站。

Green Building 绿色建筑


  • New Buildings: New construction and the development of buildings must take account of their impact on ecosystems and biodiversity. Where no certification standard is available or where the certification standard referenced does not provide an analysis of location considerations, these should be highlighted in reporting in particular to demonstrate how construction activities have avoided building on land that should be protected, how access to public transportation is incorporated, and any measures taken to offset negative impacts on biodiversity

  • Retrofitted Buildings: The retrofit, upgrade or renovation of an existing building, building unit, or any building component or system should take into consideration all efforts to improve energy performance (or reduce energy use for comparable quality of enabling environment and for comparable services) in order to meet some minimum energy efficiency criteria whenever this is technically, functionally and economically feasible.

    Where both the purpose of the building and its use remain unchanged, the improved performance of the building can be reported against that attained prior to the project. Where the purpose and/or use of the building has been altered, the improved performance should be measured against baselines and benchmarks applicable to new buildings.

  • Energy Use: The annual energy input to the building in order to satisfy the energy needs associated with a typical use of the building and by the building services that provide an enabling environment in the building. It encompasses the amount of energy needed to meet the energy demand associated with, inter alia, energy used for heating, cooling, air-conditioning, ventilation, hot water and lighting.

  • Primary Energy Use: Energy from renewable and non-renewable sources used in buildings and which has not undergone any conversion or transformation process. For further guidance on calculation of Primary Energy Use including renewable energy generated on site, ISO EN standards or applicable national methodologies for energy and carbon performance assessment in buildings

  • Final Energy Use: The total energy consumed by end-users in their building assets. It is the energy which reaches the final user’s asset and excludes the energy used by the energy sector itself.

  • Gross Building Area (GBA): Gross Building Area, also named Gross Floor Area (“GFA”) corresponds to the total floor area contained in a building measured to the external walls. The physical environmental impact comes from the entire building, and therefore Gross Building Area is more relevant than Gross Letting Area, which is the amount of floor space available to be rented.

  • Certification Schemes: While the importance of international certification schemes as industry benchmarks is highlighted by their prime position in the proposed Core Indicators, the associated costs and processes may be deemed prohibitive for small local players, or large portfolios of very small assets. Locally applicable proxies may therefore provide a relevant baseline when compatible with the major international certification schemes.


  • Energy Performance 能源绩效
  • Carbon Performance 碳绩效
  • Water Efficiency and Savings 水资源绩效及节水
  • Waste Management 废弃物管理
  • Certification Standard, if available 绿色建筑认证,如可能

Biodiversity 生物多样性

  • Protected areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures 自然保护区和其他有效地區保育措施
    • 保护陆地生物
    • 保护海洋生物
  • 自然景区保护

Climate Change Adaptation 适应气候变化


  • Reducing or avoiding weather-related damage
  • Reducing or avoiding weather-related disruption

Circular Economy and/or Eco-Efficient Projects 循环经济或生态效益项目

  • Circular Design and Production Projects
    • Design, development, sustainable production and/or use of materials (including bio-based materials), components and products that are reusable, recyclable or certified compostable
    • Design and production of components, products and assets that support the circular economy through increasing the functionality, durability, modularity and ease of repair
    • Substitution of virgin materials with secondary raw materials and by-products
  • Circular Use
    • Production of new products or assets from redundant products and assets that have been repurposed, refurbished or remanufactured
  • Circular Value Recovery
    • Development and sustainable production of new materials from secondary raw materials, by-products and/or waste
    • Recovery, recirculation and valorisation of biodegradable waste and/or by-products (including through anaerobic digestion) for food, feed nutrients, fibres, fertilisers, and, where legally allowed in the relevant country, cosmetics and medicals
  • Circular Support and Products
    • Circular support through tools and services (e.g. sharing platforms and digital infrastructure/software) that enable circular economy strategies and business models e.g. through reuse and/or sharing
  • Eco-efficient products:The increase in number of products and/or the share of production awarded an internationally recognised eco-label, or energy, eco-efficiency or other relevant environmental certification
  • Other Sustainability Indicators for Circular Economy and Eco-Efficiency Projects
    • Rehabilitation of contaminated or depleted areas and brownfield sites
    • Reuse/recycling of wastewater
    • Reduction in carbon intensity through the manufacture of circular economy and/or eco-efficient products and/or through the provision of services that enable circular economy strategies and business models
    • Reduction in air pollution in circular economy and/or eco-efficient production
    • Components and processes that are deemed closed loop recycling
    • Improvements in recycling to meet virgin material quality (e.g. for food grade containers)
    • Components produced through additive manufacturing (3D printing)
    • Patent applications/commercialisation of patent applications for eco-efficient/circular economy products
    • Corporate focus on the design of eco-efficient/circular economy products
    • Collection of products from customers for recycling and/or refurbishment
    • Improved industrial symbiosis and product sharing through clarity of disclosures


引自气候债券倡议组织open in new window


绿色金融分类标准(Green Taxonomy)是一套对符合优先环境目标的经济活动或投资进行系统分类和定义的体系,也是各国通过在金融领域调动公共和私人资源实现其关键气候、环境和发展目标的基础。科学严谨的绿色分类标准可以为市场参与者识别合格的绿色和可持续资产提供有效指导,减少"洗绿"的风险,并支持进一步的政策行动,以进一步扩大绿色融资规模。

气候债券倡议组织(CBI)在8年前开发了全球首个绿色资产分类方案– 气候债券分类方案,该标准和配套认证机制逐渐成为全球资本市场使用的自愿性国际标准。2015年,中国人民银行牵头的绿色金融工作组建议制定中国的分类标准,以指导中国绿色债券市场的建立,CBI首席执行官肖恩·基德尼(Sean Kidney)时任工作组的成员。如今,中国已是全球第二大的绿色债券市场。2017年,CBI参与欧盟可持续金融高级别专家组(HLEG)建议制定欧盟分类方案。欧盟委员会于2021年完成并发布了该分类方案。


2021年4月21日,《欧盟可持续金融分类授权法案》(EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act)在布鲁塞尔正式发布,通过引入技术标准来界定符合欧盟气候变化适应及减缓两大目标的经济活动。在欧盟层面,该标准的推出为定义和推动资本流向气候投融资提供了一套共同的语言,也代表了欧洲金融监管部门对可持续金融市场发展的指引的进一步加强。欧盟分类方案被认为是帮助金融体系将资本转向低碳经济的最大进步之一,预计将有助于缩小《巴黎协定》签署以来气候行动与实体经济投资之间的差距。欧盟也已于昨日确认了欧盟经济体到2030年将温室气体排放量减少55%的目标,该目标是分类方案的纲领和基础。


欧盟分类方案由低碳、转型(transition)、扶持(enabling)和适应这四个领域的科学标准组成。转型部分将每三年接受一次评估, 并逐步趋于严格。

《欧盟可持续金融分类授权法案》的发布是一个重大的进步,它为描述环境可持续的投资建立了最低要求。尽管该分类方案在林业和生物能源等领域仍需改进,然而它确实保持了较为严格的科学标准,如保留欧盟可持续金融技术专家组(TEG)100克二氧化碳/千瓦时的发电领域标准建议。欧洲绿色房地产债券市场相关标准也与去年TEG的建议保持一致,并于近期得到了欧洲抵押贷款联合会/欧洲担保债券理事会(European Mortgage Federation/European Covered Bond Council)的公开支持。

目前,成立于2020年10月的欧盟可持续融资平台将继续欧盟可持续金融技术专家组(TEG)的工作,牵头制定涉及到循环经济、污染预防、生物多样性和水资源保护的相关标准,草案将在年中公布,供公众咨询。此外,该平台还将监测金融市场对分类方案的接受和执行情况,评估将欧盟方案扩展到“浅绿“和 "社会 "投资的可能,以及与分类方案相关的数据有效性和可用性的问题。CBI将继续作为成员参与到相关工作。




与2020年发布的《绿色债券支持项目目录》(征求意见稿)相比,《绿色债券支持项目目录》(2021版)中对更多具体技术标准和环境标准进行了明确,并纳入了关于 “无重大损害”原则(Do No Significant Harm)的表述,使其更接近欧盟分类方案和全球通行原则。值得注意的是,人民银行相关负责人在就新版目录有关问题答记者时同时指出中国未来推出“转型金融”相关标准的可能性。


